Microgaming’s brand new technology for online poker

Such an outstanding gaming software developer as Microgaming attracted the public’s attention again with its brand new and more customizable technology for online poker. The technology was called ‘Babelish’ after wild translation fish from the Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy. The introduced API is going to be a real success.
The introduced technology Babelfish is quite a new technique for online poker that is able to work on MPN securely. This invention opened a possibility for online poker operators to put the poker software on a completely different stage. Alex Scout, the head of poker at Microgaming (Untamed Giant Panda slot), remarked, “Babelfish offers a new approach to online poker.”
“And this approach doesn’t require any expensive devices and software, random number generators and other means,” he explains.
Like the Babelfish translator, gaming providers are free to offer their clients poker entertainments in various programming languages and thanks to APN, to enter the MPN’s liquidity pool, which will offer gamblers the access to all the existing online tournaments and games.
Thanks to the new technique, that gaming operators can focus their attention on a certain group of users. Babelfish is ready to work with online and mobile platforms, game consoles, smartwatches and smart TVs.
One of the leading operators of online poker providers is going to apply this technology in a short period of time. Alex Scout commented, “We are going to please our users with some other great news in the year 2015. Our strong wish is to become the first at the gambling software market and this is our first attempt to realize our intention.”