Playing craps online: how to win?

Like many other games of chance, craps is a game where the outcome depends on luck in a lurge scale. In practice, this means that it is impossible to turn the scales in your favor and increase your chances of winning, because you cannot create a 100% effective strategy that guarantees stable gain in craps. However, some basic principles that help the player get a stable gain or at least give a profit over the long term exist. Let’s talk about them.
Basic Strategy of Craps: Choice Of Bets
The outcome of each round of craps is determined by the result of the dice throw – that is, the total number of points that fell on the faces of two dice. Of course, at this stage to influence the outcome of the game is not possible in any casino (as in the good old days some gamblers – adventurers used special dice with a displaced center of gravity, due to which the result was forseen). In an online casino it is impossible to affect the outcome of the game in such a way, as the result is determined by a random number.
Therefore the only possible and more or less effective strategy for a player of dice is a deliberate choice of bets that a player makes. Following this strategy, you can reduce the house edge a little bit and, therefore, increase the chances of winning.
In order to adhere to the basic strategy of craps and win with it, you first need to fully understand the system of bets and varieties of stakes which a game of dice offers its players. It is also important to know about the system of bets in craps everything, because from the vantage point of the casino they are different – some of the bets in craps are initially beneficial for the player, since they give the casino a slight advantage, while others, on the contrary, have a high house edge and accordingly, a small chance of winning for the player.
What bets in craps are the most profitable for the player? In the first place it is a bet on the line (on the Pass Line and Do not Pass Line) and Come / Do not Come. The size of the payoff for such a modest bet is only 1 to 1, but a chance to win one of these bets is much higher. The most disadvantageous for the player are different types of bets on a Single Roll – in this case, the chances of winning are minimal.
To win at craps using the strategy of bet choice, carefully read the probability of winning and losing for each specific bet.
The most favorable for the player is to bet on chance (Odds Bet). The difficulty is that in accordance with the rules of the dice before this stake, the player must bet on a Pass / Do not Pass line or Come / Do not Come. Taking into account the calculated probability, the optimal strategy at the craps table is to combine these bets, increasing the chances of your winning for a long period.
Apart from the mathematically-based selection of bets, there are other basic principles of effective dice playing allowing you rather to protect yourself from the big spendings in craps.
Playing dice you should follow these rules:
1 Consider the length of the game: the amount of the final profit / loss in each game of chance is always dependent on how much time you spend in the game, among other factors. Therefore, if you plan to play craps for a long time, count carefully the amount of each of your bet to limit the losses.
2 Stick to one style of play: Select a betting strategy and consistently stick to it: whether you will be aggressive with an increase in bets or measured, playing at the lowest rates. If you change the style of play in the process, you run the risk of losing more.
3 Use a bullish strategy. One of the basic principles of effective strategies of craps involves raising bets after each win. Whether to adhere to this principle, or to play at a minimum- the choice is yours.