CA Gambling Commission introduces new safe regulations

Europe has always done everything possible to control online gambling via various regulations and laws; CA Gambling Commission is doing the same. The Commission is taking severe measures to provide responsible gaming throughout the industry. The Gambling Commission implement different taxes and licenses, and tries to call the attention of public to the fact that gamble should be done responsibly.
A general report as to the efforts of the system was made in 2014 and it proved that there are aspects that need the interference of gambling operators. They were acquainted with the corrected version of the Licensing Conditions and Codes of Practice and asked to reveal the weak aspects of it.
The checked regulations will be officially issued in spring with the main stress on “social responsibility.” Philip Graph, CA Gambling Commission’s Chairperson, explained, “Thanks to the general survey we got a chance to improve the weak points of the previous version of Licensing Conditions and Codes of Practice and raise the problem of social responsibility into the necessary level. The survey also helped us in figuring out the main problem which is illegal gambling terminals in land-band establishments.”
The Swedish model proved to be really successful, and Philip Graph used it in CA. The Commission forced licensed gambling companies to supply players with impartial game and help available 24/7. The introduced changes will make it more difficult to create a gambling account for underage kids. The professional staff will be ready to offer any help to those who require it. The content of all ads will be severely regulated.
The offered measures will have a certain impact on the budget of gambling operators, but they as usual make their players pay for this.