Who Wants to Be a Legionnaire?
Who wants to be a Legionnaire? The question sounds stupid, and yet, I believe the question is even more ridiculous. I say this because, as far as I understand it, fruit machines and slot machines are not the only things that can give one free spin. The idea that you can get free spins on machines seems ridiculous to me. However, if we look at it realistically, many people do indeed get free spins on machines.
The question then becomes, who wants to be a legionnaire? I would say it would be someone who wants to get the most spin without spending too much. Such a person would want to play one machine to get all the way to the end without having spent too much. They would want to finish in first place, but they wouldn’t care how they got there.
There are people who are willing to spend tons of money in order to get the best results. These people would be willing to go and play multiple fruit machines, hoping to find the one that gives them the most enjoyment. Of course, they would want the highest payout. That’s why they play.
I once played a fruit machine where all the money I won was just a percentage of what I put into the machine. This actually made me think. If playing a fruit machine could get me so much for so little, why couldn’t I buy a whole bunch? After all, wouldn’t that be better than playing for a dollar or two each time? I guess, sort of.
The same thought occurred to me the other day when I was surfing the Internet. At first I figured there wouldn’t be much of a difference between the machines I was searching for and a fruit machine. After all, there were only a few types of them anyway. It wouldn’t make a difference if I just looked for the ones that gave the highest payout.
I was wrong. If you want to play the best fruit machine, you have to know what you’re looking for. Because there are so many different ones out there, I started looking for the machine that would give me the most for my money. And when I finally found one that did, it was the best machine ever.
Because of this, I wanted to share what I learned with all of you. Because there aren’t very many resources out there on this type of thing, I feel as though I’m obligated to share what I learned about fruit machines with you. Who knows, maybe someone else will come along and read about what I’ve been up to.
One last tip I’d like to give you if you’re thinking about playing a fruit machine. Make sure you know what’s on the machine. There have been reports of people who end up playing a machine that has no win limits on it, and get so frustrated that they leave it on the table and walk out. Don’t get me wrong, these machines are great if you’re in a mood to have a good old fashion snack while you play. But if you want to keep playing, make sure you know what’s on the machine you’re playing.
The first rule of machines like this is, if you don’t know what’s on them, DON’T play. Trust me, they can give you the best entertainment ever. But if you don’t want to deal with the frustration of trying to win something that isn’t worth it, then stay away from those machines. I know a lot of people who have gotten frustrated by machines like this and won nothing more than a pack of cigarettes from them.
Another tip is, don’t stop playing if you think you’re going to lose. If you’ve been winning, then chances are you’re going to keep playing. Why would you want to quit when you’ve already made a few dollars. Plus, if you do win, you’ll feel much better about yourself for playing a fruit machine that gives you so much fun.
So, there you have it. Now that you know all about the advantages and disadvantages of playing a fruit machine, the next time you find yourself playing one, think about the different ways you can use them to your advantage. You may not want to be a legionnaire, but you sure can be a winner. Just make sure you’re playing by the rules. And good luck!