Baccarat online – play online for free
Play the most aristocratic game from the world of gambling – Baccarat online

Baccarat is a game that has a long history shrouded in mystery and speculations. According to some researchers, the roots of this card entertainment could be found in Spain and its very name means “zero” (and the cards in the game from ten to King are set to zero).
Others suggest that the history of baccarat began in France, as it is in this country there is the city with the same name. In the Middle Ages, casino baccarat rules involved the use of tarot cards. This fun reached the territory of Russia during the reign of Peter the Great and Catherine II and already under Nicholas I it has become a favourite pastime in aristocratic circles.
Baccarat online on our gaming portal is one of those gambling amusements that attract very wealthy clients. The main objective of the game is to win on points collected in the combination of cards as close to nine or the Nine itself.
The cards in free baccarat casino are defined in the following way:
- from deuce to the nines – the cost of the card is equal to its face value;
- from ten to King – all the cards are set to zero;
- Ace brings you one point.
During the game it doesn’t matter how many cards take the players, their total amount cannot exceed 9 because once you have ten points or more, ten of them are taken away immediately.
In our online casino all the players make their bets at the table before the game starts by using previously taken chips. The dealer or the programme gives the cards and according to their value, the winner is determined. And if it is not possible to define the winner, the third card is given. More information about the rules of the game can be found in other articles on our site.
Rates and payouts in baccarat
In baccarat online the players can make such bets:
- on the winning of a certain player – in this case the payment is 1 to 1;
- on the winning of a banker or a dealer – the payment is similar to the first case except for the additional deduction of five per cent;
- on a draw – in this case, the gain can reach eight or nine to one.
The bets on the player’s winning, in other words, are called Player, and on the banker’s winning are named Banker. In the case of the first bet, the profit of the gambling establishment reaches 1.24%, while in the second stake – 1.06%. As you can see, a bet on Banker for players is more profitable (even with the five-percent commission from the winnings). If we consider all the casino games and count the profit of gambling establishments in each of them, then it’s the least. Making the same bet on a draw you will increase the casino profit to 14.4 percent. Many of our visitors at least once tried to play Baccarat online only for the reason that it is in one of the card games that James Bond played! Try your luck at the tables of our website!