Are You Wondering How the Machines Get Wins?
A man who gets wins on slot machines is a man who has his own strategy when playing the slots. Some casino goers are lucky enough to hit the jackpot more often than others, but they do not have the time to analyze each and every bet. Some just enjoy the thrill of hitting the jackpot and may stop at getting one jackpot rather than trying to hit the maximum number of bets in a single spin. This man then becomes a jackpot hunter.
Another type of man who gets wins on slot machine is the man who gets a jackpot bonus. This type of person will use all his slot machine winnings to try and get bonus points with the casino. If he wins a jackpot, he can cash it in for a free trip to the casino. Sometimes this free trip to the casino is a combination with a purchase of an airline ticket or a hotel room.
Some machine players are into the multi-player action. In this form of play, players play more than one machine at a time. For instance, a man who plays three machines at the same time receives a bonus for doing so. When he hits a jackpot, he gets paid off and walks away with a nice windfall.
There is also the “hot spot” machine, which pays off the jackpot straight away. The player has to visualize the number of hits it takes to pay off the entire jackpot. Usually this machine pays off more quickly than other machines and the odds are not great that you will miss.
Some gamblers prefer to play at “progressive” machines. This type of machine pays off a percentage instead of a fixed amount for each hit. For instance, the machine pays off ten cents for every hit, but pays off triple the amount for two hits. It all depends on how much the machine pays off.
When you hear someone talk about a “machine” that pays off the jackpot, don’t assume that they mean the ones in a casino. Most commonly these refer to slot machines that are set up at casinos for customers to use while they are there. The machines are only activated during certain hours, and once the player uses them and wins, the bonus is taken off the person’s winnings.
One very famous case of a gambler getting paid off by a casino happened in Florida, where the man won a total of $2.75 million. The winning was courtesy of a machine that pay off a smaller amount for each hit, rather than a flat cash payout. The game was set up so that the player could not leave the casino without changing a coin. To discourage people from playing the machine while they were inside, they placed a sign behind the payline reading “NO CHEAP CASH – NO WON.” This policy caused a lot of players to play the machine while they were there, thus earning the jackpot more quickly than any other casino could. This caused all kinds of traffic to flow into the casino, and they quickly earned off of everyone who was in there.
In this way it can be said that the slots are “payouts” which are paid for via slot machines rather than through actual cash. This is true with all casino games, as well as with progressive slot machines, video poker, and other types of roulette and slots games. It just depends on what the actual payout is when the machine pays off the jackpot. This has been the case since the inception of slots, and it will continue to be the case. There is no such thing as a “loophole” in the slot machine game, because the slots use the same basic mechanics that all other games use. So, if you want to get a payout, you need to play the machine right, and you need to know how to get a payout from it.