Hands down, video poker is the best game available in most online casinos today. It is one of the games that can be beaten easily, of course with the right strategy, focus, and will to win in gambling. Even though there are many effective ways of beating the game, not many players understand how they can improve their odds and chances of winning when playing video poker online, thus end up gambling away a significant amount of money. If you want to optimise your experience and earnings in video poker, we suggest you follow these pointers as highlighted in the article.
Learn to recognise the best game returns
Among the many online casino games available, video poker is the only one where the casino displays the exact possible payout for a bet. To enable you to maximize your gambling earnings on online video poker, you should learn to review the game returns as displayed on the screens of the online game table and select those offering the best betting odds.
This is referred to as shopping the pay tables. Online video poker game returns are displayed clearly on the computer screen and you can easily analyse them to determine which online game table offers the best odds so that you can derive the most returns from your gambling investment.
It pays to play the maximum five coins
In this type of game, it pays to bet the maximum coins. However, most players fail to get the most returns simply because they avoid betting the maximum coins; hence they end up missing out on the bonuses given in royal flush. When playing online video poker, most pay tables offer royal flush payouts for maximum coins, which is a five coin bet.
Playing the five coin bet tends to provide more payout for minimal bets, and increases your bet returns. Therefore, rather than play the one coin, two coin, or even four coin bets, if you really want to win big in online video poker, play the five coin bet so that you can get to enjoy the bonuses it offers and get a good return on your bet investment.
Be disciplined and never play over your head
Gambling on video poker is a risky endeavour, thus it demands consistent discipline and patience. You should never play over your head. Rather, you are advised to set appropriate budgets, both for losing and winning sessions and stop playing when you meet the set budget. The surest way to burn out your money gambling on video poker is by chasing the money and doubling up in an attempt to catch up. Most likely, you will burn a hole in your money bags and fail to win anything substantial.
The mistake of giving up early
Even though quitting saves you some money, you may end up missing out on potential winnings if you give up too early into playing the video poker. When you have the edge, gambling experts have recommended that you keep playing because it may be the only opportunity for you to break the bank.
Some people quit too early in the game because they have failed to win a dime, but to be a winner in online video poker, you have to exercise patience and have the will to win. Therefore, players should not give up too early into the game. Instead, you should persevere and continue playing while you still have the edge.
Practice! Practice! Practice!
Practice makes perfect. To be a consistent winner in video poker, you have to engage a lot of practice. Even though many casino games are based on luck, with video poker, there are many techniques and strategies for winning available, and this shows that the game can be beaten easily. A lot of material is readily available that detail the different strategies for winning in online video poker, which is not a difficult thing to do if you really want to optimise your experience and earnings in video poker.
Never play while drunk
The cardinal rule of online gambling, or any gambling for that matter, is to never indulge in it while drunk. Alcohol tends to interfere with a person’s sound decision making, thus they end up making bad decisions. You don’t want to make bad decisions when betting money during a game of video poker. You want to stay focused and sober so that you play the right strategies during online game.
When you’ve had a few drinks, you are more likely to mess up your winning strategies. In fact, those who lose out a lot on video poker attribute the loss to being drunk during the session. Keeping a clear conscience is important when gambling on video poker as it will help you maintain your focus; hence, strategize accordingly. Online video poker can be beaten. If you follow these strategies, you will be better placed to enjoying the game online and improving your winnings on the same.
Bottom Line
We know Aussies love video poker that is why we do our best to provide you with a fine selection of games. Our experts strive to find the absolute best variants and you can get started right away. Play for free and get to grips with the most games here while you work your way to the top. Once you’ve mastered your favourite titles, you can sign up at one of our partner casinos to play for real money (hint: you’ll get massive welcome bonuses!).
Get started today!