How to Convert a Fruit Machine to Take New Pound Coins
Have you ever wondered how to convert a fruit machine to take new pound coins into the machine? Fruit machine cheats have a very easy solution. You don’t even need to know the code. This is called “Covert Fumble” and thousands of people are enjoying the benefits of it every single day.
First of all, you must change the denomination of the coins into the correct figure for the machine you have. This can be very confusing because if you don’t know what decimals are you really won’t know how to do this. The best way to go about it is to find a machine that will take tokens with one hundredths of a Pound. Then, just input the amount you want to change into the machine and once it has calculated the right change you just hit “Submit” and the machine does the job for you.
There are many other ways you can cheat a fruit machine. For instance, you can place a dollar bill inside and just wait for it to bounce. If it does then you have changed your bill to a quarter. Place a half dollar or a third of a dollar in front of the machine and it will take off 25% of your score.
Another great way people like to play on these machines is by “guessing” which denomination is inside the machine. A lot of the newer machines are linked together so that they can be read easily. If you know how to key in the right code then you will get lucky and get your coins! These are just a few things you should try in order to beat the machines.
If you just want to change the amount inside the machine without taking any coins from it then you will have to use another method. One way you can do this is to press the button on the side of the machine where the change comes out. When you press the button it will release one coin and the machine will give you another to replace it with. You will have to do this a couple of times before you can hope to gain some extra money. If you just want to take a dollar from the machine without playing it then you should use the code that is given to you when you first buy the machine.
When you know how to convert a fruit machine to take new pound coins then there are a couple of ways that you can use it. The most basic is using a pencil to push the button. This works better than paper at first because it doesn’t produce as many results. If you get good at using the buttons on the machine then eventually you will find that they will give you the results you are looking for.
If you really want to know how to convert a machine so that you can earn more coins, then think about selling the coins that you get from it. Fruit machines that receive regular coin draws often have a reset switch which allows you to change your denomination. If you get good at this then you could try to get more coins from the machine and reset its mode to payout in pounds. Soon you will receive lots of extra coins which you could then sell for a nice profit.
There are a lot of other ways that you could learn how to convert a fruit machine so that you could earn more money from it. It is definitely worth visiting your local store to search out different machines that you could try it out. Most of them will have videos available of their fruit machine operations. You could also try asking an experienced dealer on the phone how to convert a machine. He will probably be able to help you with it and teach you all about the various methods that you can use.